New York City

Dutty Daybreak

@ Online Live Stream

Sun May 31st, 2020 8am - 12pm

Dutty Daybreak flyer or graphic.
Dutty Daybreak flyer or main visual.

Online Live Stream

Online Live Stream, New York, NY 10019 - United States

Sun May 31st, 2020 8am - 12pm

8am - 12pm


Howww Could Your Ever Assume in this 4 Week Series that Ago and Freeze wouldn’t do a Jouvert?
Are You Dumb?! 

Ago Solvo + Freeze International
Dutty Daybreak 
A Jouvert Zoom Pump!

Allyuh see what happen Last Sunday- When we at Capacity Dais it Dey! 
So do not stick on Grabbing Your Pass and Set Your Alarm! 

Yes Dutty is the Order!*
Yes Dress Like is Jouvert!*
Yes Have Powder to Throw Cause YOU KNOW Freeze Going to ask ya to throw it on Yourself! 

You know Being on Camera Hypes the Vibes so Be Camera Ready! .