Trinidad & Tobago

Untamed Beach

Fri Feb 16th 10:30am - 2:30pm

Untamed Beach flyer or graphic.
Untamed Beach flyer or main visual.

Trinidad & Tobago

Please check ticket link for venue information.

Fri Feb 16th 10:30am - 2:30pm

10:30am - 2:30pm


Carnival Isn't Over Until You Touched Down in the Nylon Pool.

The unique, most attractive, and #1 beach destination in Trinidad & Tobago.

Top off your carnival vacation at Nylon Pool with a "JOLLY WAIST" and your most Explicit Mood or Relaxed Mode.

Dress code: Bikini, Coverup Bikinis

Accessories: Phones, Shades, Lips gloss & Sunscreen 'Optional'

Leave No Behavior Behind

#nylonpool #Untamedbeach #carnival2024 #trinidadcarnival2024 #visitobago #jollywaist